2009. július 11., szombat

Függelék II.

Ha már elkezdtem szortírozni, minek hagynám abba alapon ömlesztem, ami olyanra vonatkozik ami már elhangzott (több előremutató részlet nem lesz).

The Talmud (Chagiga, ch. 2), in trying to understand the subtleties of Torah, analyzes the word "choshech." When the word "choshech" appears in Genesis 1:2, the Talmud explains that it means black fire, black energy, a kind of energy that is so powerful you can't even see it. Two verses later, in Genesis 1:4, the Talmud explains that the same word - "choshech" - means darkness, i.e. the absence of light.

Other words as well are not to be understood by their common definitions. For example, "mayim" typically means water. But Maimonides says that in the original statements of creation, the word "mayim" may also mean the building blocks of the universe.

The text says "there was evening and morning Day One..
Nachmanides says the text uses the words "Vayehi Erev" - but it doesn't mean "there was evening." He explains that the Hebrew letters Ayin, Resh, Bet - the root of "erev" - is chaos. Mixture, disorder. That's why evening is called "erev", because when the sun goes down, vision becomes blurry. The literal meaning is "there was disorder." The Torah's word for "morning" - "boker" - is the absolute opposite

„There is evening and morning, Day One."
Later rather, it says "evening and morning, a second day." (and not even „on the second day”)

Hát ez fasza!
Mikó nem éltem, vótam ahun vótam, vótam aki vótam, hun vótam hun nem vótam, de
azé lyó vót.
Mikó mekhalok, részem lesz a végtelen szeretetben, bódogságban, kegyelemben.
Erre kaptam ajándékba a fődi életet, gümőkórral, szifilisszel, inkvizícióval, Sztálin-
nal és Hitlerrel, éhínséggel és aszállyal.
Tudod mit? Dugja fő a Te ISTENED!

Amúgy ha nagyon kekeckedsz egy kicsit a fordításokkal akkor lehet hogy isten nem azt mondta hogy "Vagyok aki Vagyok" Héberben "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" hanem sokkal inkább "Ehyeh asher Eyeh" vagyis "Az vagyok akit EA-nak hívnak"
Így az értelmetlen Bibliai mondat:
"És monda Isten Mózesnek: VAGYOK A KI VAGYOK. És monda: Így szólj az Izráel fiaihoz: A VAGYOK küldött engem ti hozzátok."
Értelmessé válik:
"És monda Isten Mózesnek: Az VAGYOK AKIT EA-NAK HÍVNAK . És monda: Így szólj az Izráel fiaihoz: EA küldött engem ti hozzátok."
EA/Enki ugye akkád isten aki gubancok nélkül lehetett az akkád Ábrahám istene. Ea természetesen Mózes korában is népszerű volt a Közel keleten. Attributumai megegyeznek JHW attributumainka nagyrészével.
The exact meaning of his name is uncertain: the common translation is "Lord of the Earth"
In Sumerian E-A means "the house of water"
With Enki it is an interesting change of gender symbolism, the fertilizing agent is also water, Sumerian "a" which also means "semen"
His symbols included a goat and a fish, which later combined into a single beast, the goat Capricorn, recognized as the Zodiacal constellation Capricornus.

A third time Enki succumbs to temptation, and attempts seduction of Uttu. Upset about Enki's reputation, Uttu consults Ninhursag, who, upset at the promiscuous nature of her spouse, advises Uttu to avoid the riverbanks. In another version of this myth Ninhursag takes Enki's semen from Uttu's womb and plants it in the earth where seven plants rapidly germinate. With his two-faced servant and steward Isimud, Enki finds the plants and immediately starts consuming their fruit. Consuming his own semen he falls pregnant (ill with swellings) in his jaw, his teeth, his mouth, his throat, his limbs and his rib. The gods are at a loss to know what to do, as Enki lacks a womb with which to give birth, until Ninhursag's sacred fox fetches the goddess.
Ninhursag relents and takes Enki's Ab (water, or semen) into her body, and gives birth to gods of healing of each part of the body. The last one, Ninti (Lady Rib), is also a pun on Lady Life, a title of Ninhursag herself. The story symbolically reflects the way in which life is brought forth through the addition of water to the land, and once it grows, water is required to bring plants to fruit. It also counsels balance and responsibility, nothing to excess.
Ninti, is given the title of the mother of all living, and was a title given to the later Hurrian goddess Kheba. This is also the title given to Eve, the Hebrew Kavvah, the Aramaic Hawwah, who was supposedly made from the rib of Adam, in a strange reflection of the Sumerian myth

Marduk was depicted as a human, often with his symbol the snake-dragon which he had taken over from the god Tishpak. Another symbol that stood for Marduk was the spade.

People were named after Marduk. For example, some scholars speculate that the Biblical character of Mordechai (Book of Esther) used this Persian name to replace his original Hebrew name, Bilshan.

Marduk took over the identity of Asarluhi, the son of Ea and god of magic, so that Marduk was integrated in the pantheon of Eridu where both Ea and Asarluhi originally came from. Father Ea voluntarily recognized the superiority of the son and hands over to him the control of humanity.

MARDUK ugye EA fia az "arany borjú" "A Nap borja".

Mózes a midianitáknál él tőlük veszi át a Közel keleti vallást mint ősei vallását. Azonban az Ea/Marduk sokistenhitet keveri az egyiptomi egyistenhittel. (SZVSZ ez Ekhnaton időszaka, lehet vitatkozni személyes vélemény, legalábbis egy évszázadban éltek)

A kat. egyház a századok alatt már annyira belebonyolódott a hazugságokba, hamis tanokba, pogányságba, hogy nekik muszáj tovább hazudni, ferdíteni, köntörfalazni, félremagyarázkodni.......
Mit is mond a Jel22:11?
"Aki igazságtalanságot cselekszik, ezután is cselekedjen igazságtalanságot, és aki szennyes, ezután is legyen beszennyezve............."

Az akkád özönvízmítoszban ugye Ea/Enki figyelmezteti Atra-hasis-t (Noét) az özönvízre. Ő lesz Noé és leszármzottainak (Ábrahámnak) védő Istene. Így van értelme annak hogy a Biblia ennek vagy annak az istenéről beszél.
mivel szinte minden vallásban megvan az özönvíz-történet én nem feltétlen kötöm azt bárhova, bár a nevek (Abram - Atra) eléggé összecsengenek (és ugye őt konvertálják a zsidókhoz, ő kap először új nevet az Úrtól...)

El (Hebrew: אל‎; Greek: Ελ) or Eli is the Northwest Semitic word and name either translated into English as "god" or "God" or left untranslated as El, depending on the context.
In the Levant as a whole, Eli or Izer was the supreme god, the father of humankind and all creatures and the husband of the goddess Asherah as attested in the tablets of Ugarit. (Izer-El = Izrael?)
Asherah (from Hebrew אשרה), generally taken as identical with the Ugaritic goddess Athirat (more accurately transcribed as ʼAṯirat), was a major northwest Semitic mother goddess, appearing occasionally also in Akkadian sources as Ashratum/Ashratu and in Hittite as Asherdu(s) or Ashertu(s) or Aserdu(s) or Asertu(s).
A proto-Sinaitic mine inscription from Mount Sinai reads ’ld‘lm understood to be vocalized as ’il dū ‘ôlmi, 'Ēl Eternal' or 'God Eternal'.
A Phoenician inscribed amulet of the 7th century BCE from Arslan Tash may refer to Ēl. Rosenthal (1969, p. 658) translated the text:
An eternal bond has been established for us. Ashshur has established (it) for us, and all the divine beings and the majority of the group of all the holy ones, through the bond of heaven and earth for ever, ...
However the text is translated by Cross (1973, p. 17):
The Eternal One (‘Olam) has made a covenant oath with us,
Asherah has made (a pact) with us.
And all the sons of El,
And the great council of all the Holy Ones.
With oaths of Heaven and Ancient Earth.

Ami a Tízparancsolatot illeti: az egyiptomi Holtak Könyvének 125-ik litániájából származik. A Holtak Könyve-beli "Nem loptam"-ból "Ne lopj!" lett. "Nem öltem"-ből "Ne ölj!". "Nem hazudtam"-ból "Ne hazudj!", és így tovább. Az egyiptomi vallás tehát valószínűleg a judeo-keresztény vallás alapja.

Az Ószövetségben olvashatjuk József történetét.
József Jézus prototípusa volt. József szeplőtelenül fogant, Jézus is szeplőtelenül fogant. Józsefnek 12 testvére volt, Jézusnak 12 tanítványa. Józsefet 20 ezüstért adták el, Jézust 30-ért. Józsefet Juda nevű testvére adja el, Jézust Júdás nevű tanítványa árulja el. József 30 éves korában kezdte munkáját, Jézus úgyszintén.

Conservative Judaism's official Torah commentary (2001)... calls Moses a "folkloristic, national hero." (azaz „népmesei, nemzeti hős”).

Jinn in the Bible

In several verses in Old Arabic and Old Persian Bible translations, the words: Jinn(جن) Jaann(الجان) Majnoon(مجنون) and Iblees(ابلیس) are mentioned as translations of familiar spirit or אוב(obe) for Jaann and the devil or δαιμόνιον daimonion for Iblees.
In Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck's Arabic translation of the Bible these words are mentioned in Lev 19:31, Lev 20:6, 1Sa 28:3, 1Sa 28:9, 1Sa 28:7, 1Ch 10:13, Mat 4:1, Mat 12:22, Luk 4:5, Luk 8:12, Joh 8:44 and other verses as well.

ark (angol) = bárka/(frigy)láda

The ark-tie is identical with the inner African erige (Eafen), oleg (N'ki), the liku or loincloth of the Polynesians; the leek-leek of the Australians, the tie put on by the female at puberty. This being assumed of necessity, had to be repeated periodically, which led to reckoning the number of days the tie should be worn, and thus made the tie a type of time. In Hebrew arch (חרא) denotes the fluxus menstruus, also direction, guidance, the way, the course, the time, e.g. of putting on the tie, the liku, or apron.

That mod just recently gave me a warning, he/she says for "trolling", because I harassed someones ideas.

The post he gave me a warning based on my opinion contained nothing that'd broke any law of the forum, nor anything other forumites didn't do.

The post what is in question contained only one thing: that according to christianity the Lord, their god created everything.
For this I citate this streight from the Bible of the christians:
Colossians 1:16. "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him." (NIV)

According to the referance no chritan feeling was harmed.
Also I did not made with that post "starting a debate betwwen tow believs/religion", as a) I didn't questioned anything nor compared anything in that post b) even if that could be seen that way it wasn't other like when christian few was taken in picture in the "evolution" topic.

So I see no fundament for deleting that post, nor for giving me a warning from it.

Please explain to me if I miss a point, because currently what that mod did seems groundless for me and suggests bigotism.

Ábrahám lemegy egyiptomba, majd utána rögtön elkezdi a körülmetélés hagyományát – amit viszont az Ozirisz-hívők folytattak Egyiptomban!

If you go get your Book of Mormon you'll find the following words in the last sentence of the second paragraph: "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are the principal ancestors of the American Indians."

But the new version will say, "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians."

Is Jesus both the Father and the Son, as it so clearly says in the Book of Mormon?

God himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people. And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son -- The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son -- And they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth. Mosiah 15:1-3

Is the Son of God the very Eternal Father? ... Yea, he is the very Eternal Father. Alma 11:38-39

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and of earth. Helaman 14:12

Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. Ether 3:14

For behold, I [Jesus] am the Father. Ether 4:12

So Mitt's Jesus is his own father. And he is also, according to the Book of Abraham, Satan's older brother.

(The Books of Abraham and Moses are not part of the Book of Mormon. They're in the Pearl of Great Price, which is included in Mormon Scripture.)

Since the quotes from the Pearl of Great Price are a bit hard to understand, I'll let the LDS church explain it all for us.

Our Father said, "Whom shall I send?" (Abraham 3:27). Two of our brothers offered to help. Our oldest brother, Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, said, "Here am I, send me" (Abraham 3:27).
Satan, who was called Lucifer, also came, saying, "Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor" (Moses 4:1).
After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, "I will send the first" (Abraham 3:27). LDS.org

So there you have it. Mitt's Jesus, who used to be called Jehovah, is the Father (or ex-Father) and the Son, as well as the older brother of Satan. He is brother and father to us all -- which makes him, I guess, since he is his own father, our very own grandpa.

I hope brother Romney will be asked about that during the campain.

Question: What happens when we repay evil with good?

Answer: . . . the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend. (Sura Fussilat ayat 34

Well, it worked well for that question, didn't it? See what a great book the Quran is?

But what if someone asks these "educational questions"?

Question: What does the Quran say about Jews?

Answer: They are wretched, selfish, greedy, hateful, evil, treacherous, losers, blind, deaf, perverse, ugly, and have devils for friends. (But other than that they're OK.)
(Quran 2:61, 96; 5:12-13, 53, 59, 70-71; 7:27, 30; 9:30; 62:5)

Question: What will happen to Jews that refuse to convert to Islam?

Answer: They will be cursed by Allah, their faces will be disfigured, their hearts hardened, they will be turned into apes and pigs, and burn forever in hell.
(Quran 2:65-66; 4:47, 160-1; 5:12, 53, 60; 7:166-7; 9:34)

Question: Should Muslims be friends with Jews?

Answer: Absolutely not. If you have any Jewish friends, Allah will consider you one of them. (And you know what happens to them!)
(Quran 3:28, 118; 4:89, 144; 5:51, 55, 57, 80; 9:23; 58:14-15, 22; 60:1, 9)

Question: How should Jews be treated?

Answer: They should be fought and terrorized until they either are killed (with their heads and fingers chopped off) or forced to into submission.
(Quran 2:191-2; 4:89; 8:12-13; 9:5)

My look upon this story is this:
1) Abram separates from Lot. Lot chooses a nice, but otherwise already occupied territory to go.
2) God considers the occupied territories native habitants wicked. This usually means God (have plans to) destroys that nations
3) Lot lives a peacful life in Sodom
4) Abram and his men goes gerilla, terrorise the land until they save the king of Sodom along with Lot
5) Lot goes back to Sodom and live a nice enough life
6) God finaly decides that he/they'll bomb Sodom and Gomorrah, although Lot already in the cities, established a life, lives peaceful, and his/their angels seen nothing from the city but Lot.
8) Nor Lot, nor any other hebrew goes to live in the territory of Sodom and Gomorrah

But what about evil itself? Where does it come from?

Here is the Bible's answer.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

But in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him. And when he polled his head [cut his hair], (for it was at every year's end that he polled it: because the hair was heavy on him, therefore he polled it:) he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels after the king's weight. 2 Samuel 14:25-26

Absalom was the best looking guy in all of Israel -- with one hell of a head of hair. He'd let it grow all year and then cut it, which he had to do each year because it got so darned heavy. One year's growth weighed 200 skekels.

And how heavy is 200 shekels? Well one shekel weighed about 11.5 grams. So Absalom's haircut trimmings weighed in at 2.3 kilograms.

How does this compare with normal human hair? Well, an average head hair has a diameter of about 0.01 cm (100 micrometers) and grows 12 cm per year. And an average head has about 100,000 hair follicles on it. If we assume that hair has a density of 1.5 g/cm3 (If anyone knows a better value, please let me know), we can estimate the weight of an average person's yearly hair production.

weight = pi * (.005 cm)2 * 12 cm * 100,000 hairs * 1.5 g/cm3 = 141 g

So an average person produces about 0.14 kilogram of hair annually -- less than 1/16th that of Absalom.

Of course Absalom wasn't an average person. He was, after all, the best looking guy in Israel. So maybe his hair was 20 times as thick or 20 times as dense as normal human hair. Or maybe the Bible was just making stuff up.

Az Exodus fáraója
* Amenemhat IV (1815 BC to 1806 BC)
* Tutimaios (circa 1690 BC)- also known as Dudimose
* A Hyksos king (circa 1648 BC to 1540 BC)
* Ahmose I (1550 BC to 1525 BC)
* Thutmose I
* Thutmose III (1479 BC to 1425 BC)
* Amenhotep II (1427 BC to 1401 BC)
* Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten (1352 BC – 1336 BC)
* Horemheb (circa 1319 BC to 1292 BC)
* Ramesses I (circa 1292 BC to 1290 BC)
* Ramesses II (1279 BC to 1213 BC)
* Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 BC)
* Amenmesse (1203 BC to 1199 BC)
* Setnakhte (1190 BC to 1186 BC)

Ezek felenek meg annak ak itételnek, hogy a zsidók 2. Ramszesz városát építik (Exodus 1:11).
Egyiknél sincs feljegyzés komolyabb lázadásról, járványokról.

For the question alternative to God we have only theories, but we can assemble a working theory that do not need god and creates the universe. Take these:
- relativistic particles
- anti-matter stability
- black holes
- chord theory
- Heisneberg's uncertainity principle
- Schrödinger's cat

With those in picture you can create the universe w/o any god

A Pilátus és a zsidó Főtanács (Szanhedrin) közötti hosszú és elkeseredett vita vége felé, mikor a zsidók egyetlen józan és használható érvet sem tudtak már előhozni, elkezdtek üvöltözni: “Csak a császárt ismerjük el királyunknak, nem Jézust. Különben is keletről jött mágusok hoztak neki sok ajándékot mint saját királyuknak.” Ez volt az utolsó és egyben legveszélyesebb érv, melyet a zsidók Pilátus szemébe vághattak. Pilátus számára túlontúl jól ismert volt az elkeseredett szembenállás és ellenségeskedés a két nagyhatalom, Róma és a pártus birodalom között, melynek akkor még legyőzhetetlen hadserege a Crassus és Antonius vezette légiókat néhány évtizeddel azelőtt megsemmisítette. E vád szerint tehát pártus mágusok Jézust saját királyukként üdvözölték. Ez azonnal fölébresztette éberségét. Amikor a napot tanúul híva az ártatlan vér ontásának felelősségét teátrális eszközökkel magától hárítva kezeit mosta, politikai megfontolásból tette ezt. Ha ugyanis Jézus kivégzése miatt Róma és a pártusok között politikai feszültség keletkezne, hivatkozási alapot teremtett ezzel magának, hiszen ő Jézust ártatlannak nyilvánította s csak a zsidók fenyegető föllépésének nyomására hozta meg a halálos ítéletet. Ha a pártusok ezt netán rossz néven veszik, vonják a zsidókat felelősségre. Pilátusról nem tételezhetjük fel, hogy Jézusban fölismerte volna Isten Fiát. Róma lojális és hű szolgájaként töltötte be Palesztínában a prokurátori tisztet a legérzékenyebb ütköző övezetben a két ellenséges birodalom: Róma és Párthia között.

The Bible is full of conflicting and (therefore obviously) erroneous genealogical lists. A famous example are the the genealogies of Joseph in Matthew Chapter 1 verse 1 and Luke Chapter 3 verse 23 which conflict. (It will then be suggested that one is the genealogy of Mary, which might pass for an explanation if it were the genealogy of Mary, instead of the genealogy of Joseph as stated. Furthermore, it was not customary to denote a person's lineage through any but the father's line, and every other genealogy in the Bible is through the line of fathers and sons, since this was a very patriarchal society. This would be a first if it were true, and it would also be quite odd to give �the genealogy of Mary' without mentioning Mary and instead giving the genealogy of Joseph, which is what one finds.

The Urim and Thummim were like two sides of a magic coin that could be flipped to to give a yes or no answer to any question.

The Levites, the 13th tribe, are assigned to take care of the Tabernacle. They are subject to a separate, even more detailed, even more tedious census. The total number of Levite males turns out to be a very important figure, because it resolves a critical divine-demographic problem. God has designated the Levite tribe to serve him. At the same time, ever since the Exodus, the Lord also claims all firstborns for himself. Voilà —a perfect occasion for an exchange! Let's say you're Eliahu, a firstborn son from the Ephraim tribe. By law, you're pledged to the Lord. But since the Levites are God's key assistants, the priests perform a quick switch. A Levite male takes your place. As it turns out, there are 22,273 firstborn Israelites but only 22,000 Levite males. So the first 22,000 are easily swapped. The 273 surplus Israelite males redeem themselves from divine service by paying five shekels to the priests—which is why Jews still pay "five shekels," or the local equivalent, to redeem their firstborn sons today. (Is it any wonder that Jews have such a successful history as traders? This whole Levite-for-first-born arrangement, one could argue, is the world's first hedge fund—and the priests are collecting the management fee.)
There are a total of 603,550 Israelite men, not counting the Levites (about whom more below). Curiously, this is exactly the same number of men counted in the first census, taken a year earlier and mentioned in Exodus.

5:39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes , after which ye use to go a whoring: Contrary to Ec.11:9, we are told not to listen to our own hearts.
Should we follow our own hearts?

Where did Aaron die?
These verses say that Aaron died on Mount Hor, but Dt.10:6 says he died at Mosera.

In Genesis (46:21), Naaman and Ard are the sons of Benjamin, but in this verse they are his grandsons.

Two bullocks, 1 ram, and 7 lambs One bullock, 1 ram, and 6 lambs
Numbers 28:11
And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the first year without spot.
Ezekiel 46:6
And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock without blemish, and six lambs, and a ram.

(before the death of Herod in 4 BCE, or after Palastine became a Roman province in 4 CE).

"In our country are evangelists and zealots of many different political, economic and religious persuasions whose fanatical conviction is that all thought is divinely classified into two kinds-that which is their own and that which is false and dangerous." Justice Robert H. Jackson

the origin of this motif is the Sumerian myth in which the goddess Ninhursag created a beautiful garden full of lush vegetation and fruit trees, called Edinu, in Dilmun, the Sumerian earthly Paradise, a place which the Sumerians believed to exist to the east of their own land, beyond the sea. Ninhursag charged Enki, her lover and husband, with controlling the wild animals and tending the garden, but Enki became curious about the garden and his assistant, Adapa, selected seven plants and offered them to Enki, who ate them. (In other versions of the story he seduced in turn seven generations of the offspring of his divine marriage with Ninhursag). This enraged Ninhursag, and she caused Enki to fall ill. Enki felt pain in his rib, which is a pun in Sumerian, as the word "ti" means both "rib" and "life". The other gods persuaded Ninhursag to relent. Ninhursag then created a new goddess named Ninti, (a name made up of "Nin", or "lady", plus "ti", and which can be translated as both Lady of Living and Lady of the Rib), to cure Enki. Ninhursag is known as mother of all living creatures, and thus holds the same position in the story as does Eve. The story has a clear parallel with Eve's creation from Adam's rib, but given that the pun with rib is present only in Sumerian, linguistic criticism places the Sumerian account as the more ancient.

I will say further that, if there be a purpose and if this purpose is that of an Omnipotent Creator, then that Creator, so far from being loving and kind, as we are told, must be of a degree of wickedness scarcely conceivable. A man who commits a murder is considered to be a bad man. An Omnipotent Deity, if there be one, murders everybody. A man who willingly afflicted another with cancer would be considered a fiend. But the Creator, if He exists, afflicts many thousands every year with this dreadful disease. A man who, having the knowledge and power required to make his children good, chose instead to make them bad, would be viewed with execration. But God, if He exists, makes this choice in the case of very many of His children. The whole conception of an omnipotent God whom it is impious to criticize, could only have arisen under oriental despotisms where sovereigns, in spite of capricious cruelties, continued to enjoy the adulation of their slaves. It is the psychology appropriate to this outmoded political system which belatedly survives in orthodox theology.

Development of Jehovah
The development of monotheism is also different than the version the Holy Book want us to believe. Even the almighty God was once a small insignificant deity. Originally Jehovah was a nature deity, a fertility deity responsible for rain and sun and good crops. All over the holy land idols made of metal or clay are found, both female and male idols. The Jews worshipped a polytheistic fertility religion. Their main male tribal god originally also had a female companion. As late as 100 BC the farmers around Jerusalem practiced polytheistic fertility rituals. And in Jerusalem the temple prostitution flourished. The Jewish prohibition on making depictions of God is also far younger than the Bible claims. In Ugarit, 400 km from Jerusalem, a small figurine of clay was excavated. The figurine shows a bearded man an depicts “El”, the wise one and heavenly father, - an early version of Jehovah. Excavations also show that the Jews had altars of limestone where they honoured their ancestors and made offerings to the natural deities. Rain deities are always popular in desert areas, and the rain god Baal was worshipped in several varieties, - one of which was Jehovah.

According to Biblical chronology the forefather Abraham lived around 1800 BC, and the Exodus happened around 1250 BC. Abraham is in the Bible riding his camel, even though this animal was not domesticated in this area until 1000 BC? And how could the Jews in Genesis chapter 42 pay for their seeds with coins when the oldest known coins are from the seventh century BC in Asia Minor?

I suggest you watch videos by Ozzycda, for more nt refutations

Psalms 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Notice that it isn't because it is the good thing to do, but "for his name's sake". The Lord does things to improve his reputation. He is concerned about what other people think about him. Smacks of an advertising campaign.

I think this should be another absurdity.

Development of Jehovah
The development of monotheism is also different than the version the Holy Book want us to believe. Even the almighty God was once a small insignificant deity. Originally Jehovah was a nature deity, a fertility deity responsible for rain and sun and good crops. All over the holy land idols made of metal or clay are found, both female and male idols. The Jews worshipped a polytheistic fertility religion. Their main male tribal god originally also had a female companion. As late as 100 BC the farmers around Jerusalem practiced polytheistic fertility rituals. And in Jerusalem the temple prostitution flourished. The Jewish prohibition on making depictions of God is also far younger than the Bible claims. In Ugarit, 400 km from Jerusalem, a small figurine of clay was excavated. The figurine shows a bearded man an depicts “El”, the wise one and heavenly father, - an early version of Jehovah. Excavations also show that the Jews had altars of limestone where they honoured their ancestors and made offerings to the natural deities. Rain deities are always popular in desert areas, and the rain god Baal was worshipped in several varieties, - one of which was Jehovah.

The stories in Joshua of how the Jews and their furious God eradicated the native population and their many pagan deities, and settled in Canaan are pure fiction too. Archaeology have revealed that this area was peacefully populated over very long time. At 1000 BC approximately 50.000 people lived in the northern parts of Canaan (the mountain area up until the Sea of Galilee). In the southern parts (between Jerusalem and Hebron) it was a barren desert, inhospitable and with little water and vegetation, and of course very scarcely populated.
In reality the original state of Israel was established sometime around 884 BC in the northern parts of Palestine with a population of ca 100.000. South of Israel Judah was established with Jerusalem as its centre, and had approximately 10.000 inhabitants living in scattered settlements.

In the Jewish colony at the base of the enormous tower of Etemananki (the tower of Babel), towering 91 meters high, at the time of the Babylonian captivity

According to Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews - II.9) pharaoh's daughter is named 'Thermuthis' – a name which she happens to share with a manifestation of Isis – which would make Moses the Horus figure.

‘Instead of splitting the carcass of a sea-monster to create the world, as Marduk did, Yahweh divided the Sea of Reeds to let his people escape from Pharaoh and the pursuing army. Instead of slaying the demonic hordes, like Marduk, Yahweh drowned the Egyptians.’
(K. Armstrong, A History of Jerusalem, p31)

Nos, egyelőre ennyi. Majd feldobok még egy adagot úgy tervezem a két Testamentum között, és egyet a 4 Evangélium (aminek jelentése: "örömhír", azaz nem "szemtanúk bezsámolója"!) után, azzal kész. Remélem van aki ezeket a részeket is értékelni tudja. Ha nem, hát az sem baj.

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